How To Boost Python Learning & By Using ‘’

Mohd Amaan Siddiqui
4 min readFeb 9, 2022

This read is for those who are thinking that no matter how much they learn no matter how much they practice they keep forgetting concepts they learn and eventually they are not able to master python.

The first thing is you don't need to learn every single concept to master any programming language

Then talking about the harsh truth if you are having a problem learning the python language then it is your learning pattern flaw.

What I meant by flaw is that sometimes students start rushing on concepts they think that we have understood that concept by just watching some examples but concepts will only settle in your mind when you will use them frequently in our code.

So, How to frequently use the concepts that we have learned so far and side by side how to learn new concepts?

Believe me, guys the answer to the question above is simply a key to mastering python or any programming language.

Create a python file on Pycharm, Jupyter Notebook, or whatever python IDE you are using and name it ‘’

Step One Is Done..!!

So, suppose you are learning how to take user ‘Input’ in the python open ‘’ file start making a project that takes user input and prints it.

Ok, here you might be thinking what nonsensical method is he talking about right it is the same as practicing the concept right?

Read furthermore and you will understand the power of the concept ladder.

Suppose the next concept that you are learning is ‘List’ now re-write the code from the beginning in ‘concept ladder’ in a particular manner that it includes the concepts that you have previously learned and the concept that you are learning now.

So, this is how I like to code in concept ladder if I have understood the new concept and just want to use them.

No matter how simple or useless your project in ‘concept_ladder’ looks to you you just keep adding new concepts by re-writing the code from the beginning.

Just keep this in your mind it really important to include the previous topic, not the detailed sight of but a glimpse of it.

Let the brain do all maths, and by just watching the glimpse of it you will recall the other insights of the concept.

Like I am using only the append here which is an in-built method of a list data type but there are other in-built methods too like (remove,len,max,min etc.)

So that's the whole point keep adding new concepts code frequently and you will see that the concept_ladder file code is really making sense.

And you are mastering the python language.

Let me show you the big picture.

One of my friends was having a problem with the OOPS concept, so I suggested to her the ‘concept_ladder’ method that I use and after just using this method for a week or so not only she was able to use OOPS but also made a small project on it.

Let Me Show You The Concept Ladder File Code Of Her.

Day - 5

Previous Concept - fucntions
Latest Concept - OOPS


dict = {} #Dictionaty for storing movie names with year.
movie_names_list = [] #To extract movie name from the dictionary.

class Movies:

def __init__(self, op):
self.operation = op

def storing_data(self):
if self.operation.lower() == 'add':
movie_name = input('Enter the movie name:')
movie_year = int(input("Enter the movie year:"))
dict[movie_name.title()] = movie_year
print('[+] Movie Saved Sucessfully..!')

def data_print(self):
if self.operation.lower() == 'see':
for keys,value in dict.items():
print(x,'-',keys.title() + ' of year ', value)

def finding_data(self):
if self.operation.lower() == 'find':
ask = input('Enter the movie name:')
if ask.lower() in movie_names_list:
print('Movie '+ ask.title() + ' is available of year',dict[ask.title()])
print(ask + 'movie not found.!!')

def exit_program(self):
ask = input('Enter q to quit:')
if ask.lower() == 'q':

active = True
while active:
op1 = Movies(op=input('\n' + "Want to (Add,See or Find) The Movie: "))

I wrote this article just because she insisted me do so, she believes that this concept_ladder method is going to help the beginners and intermediate coders who may give up in long just because of the simple learning flaws.

I hope it helps the community of coders as much as it helped her, so thanks for reading this article.

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I will be glad to hear from you guys stay safe and code hard…!!!

